script editor job

Who is a script editor and what do they do? The script editor is a worker who specialises in theatre or film or TV programmes and who selects literary works or other topics for film, theatre, or TV arrangement.
What are the activities of the script editor job? He/she negotiates with authors about the use of their works, and cooperates with them when preparing scripts. He/she cooperates also with the director, and takes care of the artistic level of films or plays. The script editor at the theatre has a strong influence on the general orientation of the theatre. The film script editor selects films for film festivals and shows.
Where is it done and under what conditions? In theatres, film studios, TV studios or similar places; work outside of normal working hours must be expected.
What tools/equipment do they use? Computers, and other telecommunications equipment, pen and paper.
What do you need to succeed? You need to have an artistic university education, and creative abilities.