stage manager job

Who is a stage manager and what do they do? The stage manager organisation manages the organisation of rehearsals of plays as well as of the live performances. He/she manages the actors as well as technicians backstage, coordinates their stage entries, and their various tasks.
What are the activities of the stage manager job? During a performance they ensure that everything goes according to the time schedule. They are involved in every stage of a performance and liaise with e.g. design, lighting, sound, and wardrobe staff as well as with the director. They also have responsibility for seeing health and safety regulations are observed. They also keep records of rehearsals and performances.
Where is it done and under what conditions? In theatres and similar environments. Conditions here may vary considerably. Work outside normal working hours must be expected.
What tools/equipment do they use? Primarily writing materials supplies but also mobile phones and other communications media.
What do you need to succeed? You need to have completed secondary education, to work systematically, and have organisational ability and the ability to get people to work together, and resolve difficulties between people.