
Who is a conductor and what do they do? The conductor is in charge of selling or inspecting bus or tram tickets in the bus/tram. Sometimes the conductor is also the driver of the bus or tram, sometimes the two jobs are carried out by different people.
What are the activities of the conductor? Hands out and charges the tickets to the travellers, collecting the money for the fare and giving change. She/he must see that no traveller is without a ticket. S/he must check that s/he has enough cash and tickets for the whole working period. S/he must alert the driver when to stop or start again once the travellers have got in or out of the bus so that no accidents take place.
Where is it done and under what conditions? There is some risk of accidents in this environment as well as some uncomfortable over-crowding, and his/her hands can easily get dirty, handling the money.
The conductor may spend most of his/her working time sitting but in many circumstances will also move around the bus or tram collecting fares and issuing tickets, while the vehicle is in motion. It will depend on how the tram or bus service is operated in the particular context. This can be very physically tiring.
What tools/equipment do they use? Small tools (clippers, punch machines etc) to perforate or stamp tickets, coins.