social worker job

Who is a social worker and what do they do? The task of the social worker is to help people in solving problems with their social situation or personal life.
What are the activities of the social worker job? Establishing the general social situation of people living in a certain region or administrative area- establishing the real situation of families that are having trouble with an unsatisfactory way of life, with debt, alcoholism or drug abuse by a family member, or people who are not able to look after themselves due to old age, disease or other problems – helping disabled people, giving advice including help with filling out various forms and applications – coordinating and ensuring community care services in the appropriate administrative area from a professional, operational and economic point of view including management activities – proposing and, in urgent cases carrying out, the immediate placing of problem children and young people in foster or residential care instead of their own families according to the decision of the courts – social work among refugees, the homeless, or other groups of individuals with specific problems, as the case may be – specialised activity in drug and other addiction centres – representing people in judicial and administrative proceedings.
Where is it done and under what conditions? In offices as well as private houses where there are usually no particular problems with the work environment; however, some people a social worker is in contact with, may be aggressive or difficult at times.
What tools/equipment do they use? Computer technology, writing supplies, documents, and above all spoken word.
What do you need to succeed? You need to have completed secondary, higher or university education with a social studies or sociological specialisation, positive attitudes to people, ability to deal with people, a cultivated appearance and manners, good judgement, patience.