About UENR School Of Engineering

About UENR School Of Engineering

The rationale for establishing a University for Energy and Natural Resources is a plausible one. All of the advances of the past two centuries whether they are economic, political or social in nature, are connected in part to the massive consumption of energy. The per capita energy consumption in a society is a good measure of its relative state of advancement. However, countries should seek to reduce the energy intensity of their economies. With the many forms of energy resources available, each nation must position itself to understand the science, technology and economics and management of energy. Globally, countries are increasingly in search of affordable and sustainable energy sources.
The bulk of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels which are finite. The extraction of energy from fossil fuels gives rise to adverse global climatic changes. Alternatives to fossil fuels appear to be renewable energy and nuclear power. As a result, various engineering programmes are providing concentrations or specializations in energy engineering to educate and train future engineers to address this problem. It is in this light that the School of Engineering will focus on the development of human capacity to manage and solve problems of extracting, collecting, converting and utilising energy and natural resources. Ghana is endowed with renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. With the recent discovery of oil in Ghana, it is imperative that skills and knowledge base for harnessing all forms of energy resources and associated engineering applications are developed. The School of Engineering shall provide leadership in this very important area of the national economy. The philosophy is to provide students with competitive skills and professional leadership within the energy and engineering sector.

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