Admission requirements for Pan African Christian University College


The University College admits students to Level 100, 200 and 300 depending on their level of academic qualifications at the time of application. The minimum requirements for the various levels are:
LEVEL 100 (First Year)
Applicants entering into Level 100 shall be required to have any of the following requirements:
(a) Senior Secondary School (SSSCE) Applicants
Applicants with SSSCE results/certificates shall be required to have passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects including Mathematics and English and three (3) elective subjects with an aggregate score of twenty-four (24) or better.
(b) Senior High School (WASSCE) Applicants
The University College admits West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) candidates with an aggregate score of thirty-six (36) or better with six (6) credit passes (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects (English, Mathematics, Integrated Science or Social Studies) and three (3) elective subjects in their WASSCE or GBCE (General Business Certificate Examinations). Admissions are also made based on the possession of six (6) credit passes (grades 1-6) in the General Certificate of Examinations (GCE) Ordinary Level examinations including English, General Science (or Biology or Agricultural Science) and Mathematics and three (3) elective subjects, at least two (2) of which should be business subjects.
Mature Candidates
Applicants with five (5) passes including Mathematics and English in their GCE O’ Level, SSSCE or WASSCE results and are twenty-five (25) years and above at the time of application with three (3) years’ working experience would participate in the College’s Mature Entrance tutorials and pass its examinations in English, Mathematics, Special Paper and General Paper. Successful candidates would be interviewed for final admission.
All mature applicants must have passed most of their high school subjects (including English and Mathematics) with a total aggregate of 25 or better. They shall be requested to produce copies of: (1) their birth certificates, (2) relevant high school certificates and (3) evidence of three years’ working experience.
LEVEL 200 (Second Year)
Applicants entering into Level 200 shall be required to have any of the following requirements:
GCE Advanced Level Applicants
GCE Advanced Level applicants must have passes in two (2) subjects in the GCE Advanced level (A-E) excluding General Paper, with at least one or two business-related components such as Accounting, Business Methods or Economics. Applicants must have already had five (5) credits (grades1-6) in the General Certificate of Examinations (GCE) Ordinary Level examinations including English, Mathematics and General Science (or Biology or Agricultural Science).
Diploma in Business Studies
A minimum of five (5) passes of the Diploma in Business Studies (DBS) in Accounting and Business Management awarded by the Technical Examinations Unit (TEU) of the Ghana Education Service is required.
Diploma in Accounting, Management and Human Resource Management
Holders of the above qualifications awarded by the West African examinations council (WAEC) and other recognized institutions would be admitted into relevant programmes.
Advanced Business Certificate
Holders of the Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) (former Royal Society of Arts, Stage III [RSA III]) with 3 passes qualify to be admitted into the relevant programmes offered by the University College.
Post-Secondary Teachers’ Certificate “A”
Admissions might be offered to holders of the post Teachers’ Certificate “A” or Diploma in Education from Teacher Training Colleges.
LEVEL 300 (Third Year)
Applicants entering into Level 300 shall be required to have any of the following requirements:
(a) Higher National Diploma
Higher National Diploma (HND) graduates with at least a Second Class Lower division in a relevant area such as Accountancy, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Tourism, Hospitality and Institutional Management may be admitted into relevant programmes.
(b) Recognized University Diploma
Holders of a diploma awarded by a recognized University or a University College qualify to be admitted at Level 300.
(c) Part Professional Qualifications
Holders of at least Part II of Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana, (ICA [GH]), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) and the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) may be admitted.
(d) Accounting Technician Certificate
Holders of final certificates in Ghana Accounting Technician (GAT) Examinations or the Accounting Technician Examinations of ACCA may be considered.
(d) International Applicants
All international applicants must hold equivalent qualifications as those described above in addition to a proof of proficiency in English language as stipulated on the application forms of the Pan African Christian University College.
Inclusion of Results Slips, Transcripts and Other Supporting Documents with the Application Forms
Applicants are to note that they are required to submit the relevant supporting documents such as official results slips, attestations or certificates with the application form. Applicants who wish to submit transcripts of their academic record from a previous institution are advised to apply for such transcripts far in advance to be forwarded directly to the University College at the address specified on the last page of this booklet. Any transcript that is hand delivered remains invalid unless it is directly mailed in a sealed envelope to the University College by the applicant’s previous institution.
The University College considers it absolutely necessary to include information in this prospectus on the procedure for determining the required total aggregates for qualification into any of its programmes. Due to a series of changes made in the country’s educational structure during the past two decades, there are now three main levels/types of entry qualifications that all the tertiary institutions contend with every academic year, namely GCE O’ Level, SSSCE and the current WASSCE. Although the first two have been phased out of the present educational system, there are still many applicants with those very qualifications who are yet to enter into the country’s tertiary institutions. The computations of the required aggregates for applicants with these qualifications have been provided separately in the tables below.
1 Excellent A Excellent A1 Excellent
2 Very Good B Good B2 Very Good
3 Good C Credit B3 Good
4 Credit D Pass C4 Credit Pass
5 Credit E Unsatisfactory C5 Credit Pass
6 Credit F Fail C6 Credit Pass
7 Pass D7 Weak Pass
8 Weak Pass D8 Weak Pass
9 Fail F9 Fail
Let us use the following examples to illustrate how the equivalences in the grading schemes above are worked out in different situations:
Let us assume that three people sat for three different external examinations conducted by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) in different years. One of them called Ali wrote the School Certificate/General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level examination usually called GCE O’ Level. Mansa wrote the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (known as the SSSCE) while Ashitey passed through the current West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (known as WASSCE for short). Each student registered eight subjects in their final examinations. Let us see how we can compute their total aggregate scores and assess their admission status.
Ali had the following scores in his O’ Level examination results:
English=6, Modern Mathematics=8, Additional Mathematics=6,
General Science=8, Economics=4, Commerce=5, Accounting=4,
Agricultural Science=8.
This is Mansa’s results for the SSSCE:
Core English =B, Core Mathematics=C, Elective Mathematics=D, Core Science=D, Economics=D, Government=D, Geography=D, Life Skills=C.
Ashitey had the following results in the WASSCE examinations:
English =C6, Mathematics=C6, Literature in English=E8, Integrated Science=D7, History=D7, Government=C4, Social Studies=B2.
The aggregate score of the three students in their 6 best subjects, namely three (3) core subjects and three (3) electives will be:
Computation of Ali’s Total Aggregates
O’ Level Grade
English 6
Modern Mathematics 3
General Science 4
Geography 8
Additional Mathematics 6
Economics 5*
Commerce 5*
Accounting 4*
AGGREGATE SCORE 27 Not Qualified
Ali’s aggregate score in his 6 best subjects, namely three (3) core subjects (English, Modern Mathematics and General Science) and three (3) electives (Economics, Commerce and Accounting) is 27 and therefore cannot qualify for admission into the university. He has to re-register with WAEC to retake all or some of his core and elective subjects to reduce his total aggregate to 24 or better.
Computation of Mansa’s Total Aggregates
SSSCE Grade Grade Value
English B 2*
Core Mathematics C 3*
Core Science D 4
Life Skills C 3*
Elective Mathematics E 4
Economics D 4*
Government B 2*
Geography D 4*
Mansa’s aggregate score in her 6 best subjects, namely three (3) core subjects (English, Core Mathematics and Life Skills, a core subject whose grade was better than Core Science) and three (3) electives (Economics, Government and Geography) is 18 and therefore qualifies for admission into the university.
Computation of Ashitey’s Total Aggregates
WASSCE Grade Grade Value
English C6 4*
Mathematics C6 4*
Integrated Science B2 2*
Social Studies D7 5
Christian Religious Studies B3 3*
Literature in English E8 5
Government C4 4*
History C3 3*
Ashitey’s aggregate score in his 6 best subjects, namely three (3) core subjects (English, Mathematics and Integrated Science) and three (3) electives (Christian Religious Studies, Government and History) is 20 and equally qualifies for admission into the university.
Upon offer of admission, a student is expected to go through a registration procedure to authenticate his admission status. The procedure has been outlined here as follows:
The total fees for the academic year is usually specified in the admission letter and the University College accepts full payment of the fees quoted if the prospective student wishes to do so. In most cases, though, only the payment for first semester of the academic year is demanded before a person is allowed to register. The amount specified as payment for the first semester should be paid into the University College’s account at any of the branches of either Ghana Commercial Bank or Ecobank Ghana. The account number for Ghana Commercial Bank is 3051130004788 while that of Ecobank is 0134406852301.
The bank will keep the original copy of the pay-in slip and give you the duplicate(s). It will be advisable to fill the pay-in slip in triplicate so as to get two duplicate copies after the bank has taken its copy. You will be required to submit one of the duplicate copies to the PACUC Accountant to obtain an authorization chit to proceed with registration. You may keep the remaining copy of the pay-in slip in a safe place in case anything goes wrong or when an official inspection of fees is undertaken in the middle of the semester or before the end of semester examinations.
The authorization chit issued by the Accountant should be taken to the Registration Officer to complete registration forms and other formalities. At this point, you will be issued your registration number which will officially identify you as a student throughout the duration of your programme. Additionally, your copy of the PACUC Students’ Handbook will be issued you, if copies are available at the time.
After registration, it will be best to take a tour of the campus and familiarize yourself with pertinent information displayed on the official notice boards. You will see, among other things, the Academic Calendar for the current academic year from which you will get to know the date(s) for the orientation programme, the deadline for registration, the date for the commencement of lectures, among other details. Additionally, the academic time table, if it is ready, will be boldly displayed on the notice boards. Information about the activities of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and related issues will also be displayed on the notice boards.
Continuous Assessment
There is a Continuous Assessment scheme that takes a total of 40 marks, based on the following: class attendance, quizzes and class exercises (10%); homework and term papers (10%) and casework, research papers, midterm tests and teamwork projects (20%).
End of Semester Examination
The End of Semester Examination constitutes 60% of a total of 100% as the medium of assessing the academic performance of students.
Summary of Assessment and Grading Scheme
Continuous Assessment: 40%
End of Semester Examination 60%
Total 100%
The grading scheme and final grade classification is presented in the table below:
A 80-100 4.00 Excellent
B+ 75-79 3.50 Very Good
B 70-74 3.00 Good
C+ 65-69 2.50 Very Fair
C 60-64 2.00 Fair
D+ 55-59 1.50 Satisfactory
D 50-54 1.00 Barely Satisfactory
F 0-49 0.00 Fail
I Incomplete
Df Deferred Course
X Not Offered
First Class 3.60-4.00
Second Class Upper Division 3.00-3.50
Second Class Lower Division 2.50-2.90
Third Class 2.00-2.40
Pass 1.00-1.90
Fail 0.00 – 0.99
FGPA Final Grade Point Average
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
Course Requirements
Students are required to pass all or most of their courses before they are promoted to their next academic level provided they do not have any of the prescribed set of GPA levels in their previous level examinations as follows:
A student with a GPA of less than 1.0 at the end of the first year shall be withdrawn from the programme
A continuing student with a GPA of less than 1.5 at the end of the second year shall be withdrawn from the programme
A continuing student with a GPA of less than 2.0 at the end of the third year shall be withdrawn from the programme
Credits Requirements
All students on the four year BBA programme are required to have a total of 128 credits to qualify for graduation, unless a student must have entered the programme at either Level 200 or 300 with the required entry qualifications. Credit requirements at each level of study are set out as follows:
At the end of Level 100, a student shall be required to have a total of 30 credits before he could qualify for entry into the next academic level (Level 200). Any student with deficiencies in the required number of credits (30) cannot proceed to Level 200.
At the end of the second year, a student who started from Level 100 shall be required to have a total of 60 credits before he can qualify for entry into Level 300; however, a student who met certain entry requirements and entered the programme at Level 200 shall be given a credit waiver of 30. He shall required to have a total of 30 credits at the end of the second year to qualify for entry into Level 300
At the end of the third year, a student who started from Level 100 shall be required to have a total of 96 credits before he can qualify for entry into Level 400; however, a student who began the programme at Level 200 (with a credit waiver of 30) shall be required to have a total of 66 credits at the end of the third year to qualify for entry into Level 400; similarly a student who joins the programme at Level 300 shall be given a credit waiver of 60. He shall be required to have a total of 36 credits at the end of the third year to qualify for entry into Level 400.
The total credit load required for graduation from the various entry points is summarised in the table below:
Entry Level to End of Four-Year Programme Level 100 – 400 Level 200 – 400 Level 300 – 400
Required Credits for Graduation 128 98 68
Credit Waiver – 30 60

Admission requirements for Pan African Christian University College

Pomadze is a kilometer away from Winneba main junction, where PACUC is located. It is a neighbourhood of Winneba. The township of Winneba is one of the beautiful seaside resort cities in the Central region of Ghana. It is 69 kilometers by road from Accra, towards the western part of Ghana. It is a traditional city with several mountain ranges giving a magnificent view especially when traveling along the main highways.
The University College is located on one of these beautiful hills at Gomoa Pomadze in the Gomoa East District. The University of Education, Winneba (UEW) is also located close to this town. So the neighbourhood is popular for higher education and has accommodated and continues to accommodate people from all nations and entertain all cultural values. There are also beautiful hotels and resorts for sporting activities in the township in addition to the many restaurants, pubs and entertainment theatres and cinema centers.
PACUC Green Campus is at Pomadze Hills, a suburb of Winneba. It is situated about 1 kilometer from the Winneba roundabout, on the Winneba-Swedru highway. It is exactly 70 kilometers from Accra.
It takes a self-driven (private) driver around 20 minutes and a “trotro” or minibus-driven passenger 30 minutes to depart from Mallam Junction in Accra and arrive at PACUC campus in Winneba by road. A schematic contour design of the route to PACUC Campus is shown for your perusal.
Please send the completed application form and other documentation to the address below. You may also call using the listed numbers or send an email to us:
Pan African Christian University College
P. O. Box 323,
Tel: +233 332321125 Fax: +233 3323 21124
Cell: +233 (0) (0), (0)
Download our admission form here
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