Category Archives: National Service Scheme

Sample of NSS Appointment Letter

Sample of NSS Appointment Letter, The NSS APPOINTMENT LETTER is one of the most vital documents given to an applicant to earn him or her slot in the NSS scheme. When printed, the document contains personal details of an applicant, the type of service he or she will take part in, the period and terms of the… Read More »

Checking NSS Appointment Letter

Checking NSS Appointment Letter, Following the release of NSS Posting 2019, The management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has released online the Appointment Letters of Service Personnel for the 2018/2019 service year. Successfully posted Personnel should follow the below procedures to obtain their Appointment letter. National Service NSS Appointment Letter Goto NSS Posting Portal via Next, Enter your NSS… Read More »

Get NSS Appointment Letter Form

Get NSS Appointment Letter Form, Following the release of NSS Posting 2019, The management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has released online the Appointment Letters of Service Personnel for the 2018/2019 service year. Successfully posted Personnel should follow the below procedures to obtain their Appointment letter. National Service NSS Appointment Letter Goto NSS Posting Portal via Next, Enter your… Read More »

NSS Appointment Letter Form

NSS Appointment Letter Pdf, Following the release of NSS Posting 2018/2019, The management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has released online the Appointment Letters of Service Personnel for the 2018/2019 service year. Successfully posted Personnel should follow the below procedures to obtain their Appointment letter. National Service NSS Appointment Letter Goto NSS Posting Portal via Next, Enter your NSS… Read More »

My NSS Pin Code

My NSS Pin Code,The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) wishes to announce to all prospective service personnel and the general public that a total number of 100,209Personal Identification Number (PIN) Codes for the enrollment of prospective National Service Personnel from all the 124 accredited tertiary institutions in the country for 2019/2020 service year has been released. All prospective… Read More »

NSS Allowance Amount

NSS Allowance Amount, Service personnel are paid monthly allowances. The amount paid is determined by the Ministry of Finance. The allowance that is approved is what the ministry would pay the personnel throughout the service year. Payment is calculated from the date the service personnel reports for duty at his/her designated post. Personnel posted to… Read More »

NSS Allowance Form

NSS Allowance Form, The national service scheme (NSS), governed by act 426 is a scheme where graduates have to carry out mandatory community service. It doesn’t matter whether you did your tertiary right here in Ghana or abroad, the constitution is very clear: as long as you’re a Ghanaian citizen who is 18 years and… Read More »

NSS Allowance

NSS Allowance, The Scheme as currently constituted provides newly qualified graduates the opportunity to have practical exposure on the job, both in the public and private sectors, as part of their civic responsibility to the State. Service personnel are paid monthly allowances. The amount paid is determined by the Ministry of Finance. The allowance that… Read More »