Faculty Of Law Programmes

Faculty Of Law Programmes

  4 – Year LL.B Degree Programme

Course Name Lecturer
Ghana Legal System & Its History/ Legal Method Mr. Ansa-Asare
Constitutional Law Prof. Quansah/ Prof.  Ogbodo
Information Communication & Technology Dr. Gerald Acquaah-Gaise/
Mr. Clive Fosuhene
English for Communication Halimatu Sardia Jibril /
Mr. Alhassan Hudu-Lare
Political Science Mr. Naveh-Fioh
Sociology Prof. Mike Baffoe
Mrs. Jennifer Baffoe-White
French for Beginners Mr. Emmanuel Banahene

Post- First Degree LL.B Degree P

Course Name Lecturer
 Ghana Legal System & Its History /Legal Method Mr. Ansa-Asare
Constitutional Law Prof. Quansah/ Prof.  Ogbodo
Criminal Law Prof. Quansah/ Prof. Vukor Quashie
Laws of Tort Dr. Atupare
Law of Contract Mr. Ansa-Asare
Public International Law Prof. Okeke