International Finance and Banking At University Of Ghana
This course is a logical extension of the principles of the foundation in Corporate Finance or
Financial Management. It builds on and extends the framework and basic principles provided by
domestic corporate finance to account for those dimensions that are unique to decisions in a
competitively dynamic global context. Coverage will extend to the use of financial analysis and
reasoning in solving international financial management problems and in decision-making. The
traditional areas of Working Capital Management, Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital, and
Financial Structure will be covered from the perspective of a Multinational or Transnational
Enterprise. The focus will be on those decision variables that are rarely encountered by purely
domestic enterprises. Specific topics include: Introduction to Multinational Financial
Management, International Financial Markets, International Flow of Funds and Balance of
Payment, Forecasting Exchange Rates, Measuring Exposure to Exchange Rate Fluctuations,
Managing Transaction Exposure, Short-term asset and liability management and Financing
International Trade, Long-Term Asset and Liability Management, International Banking, and
Country Risk Analysis.