Investment Fundamentals At University Of Ghana
The course is about investment in marketable securities. Accordingly, the course focuses on the
investment environment and process. The investment environment encompasses the kinds of
marketable securities that exist particularly in Ghana and where and how they are bought and sold.
The investment process on the other hand is concerned with how an investor should proceed in
making decisions about what marketable securities to invest in, how extensive the investments
should be, and when the investments should be made in order to maximise the return, given the
associated risk. Topics will include: The Investment Setting, the Asset Allocation Decision,
Securities Markets: Organization, Functions and Regulations, Review of Financial Market
Efficiency, Portfolio Theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model, the Arbitrage Pricing Model,
Valuing Financial Assets, Professional Asset Management, Stock Market Analysis, Industry
Analysis, Company Analysis and Stock Selection, Technical Analysis, Evaluation of Portfolio
Performance and Introduction to Financial Derivatives