KNUST Department of Eye Ear Nose & Throat
Following are the definitions of the activities undertaken by the department
- Anomalies of the external Ear and External Auditory Canal.
- Infectious and Inflammatory diseases of the External Ear Otitis externa; Acute Otitis media; Acute presuppurative; Complications of acute/chronic otitis media; Chronic otitis media
- Sequellae of middle Ear infections
- Serous Otitis Media/Tubal Dysfunction
- Hearing Loss: Conductive hearing loss; Sensory neural Hearing Loss
- Disaeses of the inner Ear.
- Nasal Obstruction: Infancy ,Childhood
- Allergy: Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Sinutis
- Nasopharyngaeal Carcinoma
- Sinusitis, Complications
- Headache
- Epistaxes
- Tonsils and Adenoids: Acute Tonsillitis; Adenoids; tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy; Sore Throat
- Larynx: Hoarseness; Croupy Infections; Laryngeal Obstruction; Foreign Bodies in the air passages; Tracheostomy
- Salivary Gland: disorders of the Salivary glands; Facial Nerve; Diseases of the Oesophagus
- Miscellaneaous: HIV Manifestation of ENT; Snoring
- Clinical Examination: Visual Acuity,Visual Fields, Papillary Ram, Funduscopy, Slit Lamp Examination
- Oculor Pathology: Eye Lids, Orbit; Lacrimal Drainage System; Conjunctival Diseases; Cornea-Sclera Disorders;Uveitis – Glaucomas; Cataract and other lens Disorders; Retinal Disorders; Squint and Strabismus; Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Ocular Emergencies: The Acute Red Eye;Ocular Traumas- Sudden Loss of Vision.