KNUST Level 200 Subjects in Biochemistry

KNUST Level 200 Subjects in Biochemistry

Year Two:    Semester One


Living cells and overview of intermediary metabolism. Mechanism of action of coenzymes from water-soluble vitamins. Basic principles of thermodynamics as applied to biological systems.  Bioenergetics principles and the ATP cycle – Bioenergetics of glycolysis, TCA cycle.  Membranes – composition and assembly, permeability, transport systems, types (nuclear, mitochondria, chloroplast). Photosynthesis.
BCHEM 257    – ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I                       
Stereochemistry. Organic reactions II: Substitution, addition and elimination reactions.
BCHEM 259 – PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I                     
Solutions. Electrochemistry. Surface Chemistry. Catalysis, colloids, phase equilibria.
BIOL 251 – BASIC MICROBIOLOGY                       
Introduction to the science of microbiology; Brief description of nature and kinds of microorganisms (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic). Introduction to bacteriophage and the nature of viruses. Structure of microorganisms; size and shape, rigidity and flexibility, storage materials, motility, etc. Nutrient and growth requirements (types of media and conditions for cultivation); physiology and kinetic of growth, Isolation and characterization of bacteria: pure culture, direct isolation and enrichment culture techniques. Classification of bacteria types based on Gram staining reactions; carbon and energy, oxygen, temperature, sporulation etc. Preservation methods for short, medium and long term purposes.
BIOL 253 – HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I                     
The structure in relation to the physiology of important biological functions and processes within the human body. Cells and tissues in mammals. Relations of tissue structure to function.  Respiratory, Digestive, Cardiovascular, Immune and muscoloskeletal system.  Associated malfunctioning of these systems.
CSM 183 – INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS I                   
Part I
Introduction. Processing Device, Input / Output devices.  Storage Devices System Software. Application Software.
Part II- Introduction to Windows
The Basics, Working with a Window.  File Management in Windows XP. Managing Files with My Computer.  Using the On-Line Help and Support.  Login On and Off Windows. Introduction to the Internet.
Part III – Introduction to MS-WORD
Creating Word document.  Formatting, Creating tables and indexes. Formatting tables.  Inserting Objects. Formatting objects. Formatting Objects, Merging Documents and Sorting Data.
ENGL 263 – LITERATURE IN ENGLISH I                                
Literature as Poetry: What a poem is, and its characteristics. Difference between a poem and a song. The figure of speech and the literary device.  Practical appreciation.
Texts to be studied: African and English poems.
LAW 151 – LAW OF CONTRACT I                                  
Nature of Contract: sources of law, concept of bargain, classification. Formation of Contract: offer and acceptance; consideration, intention to create legal relations. Contents of Contract: terms, representations, excluding and limiting terms and fundamental breach of terms. Capacity: infants, illiterates, co-operations, mental patients and drunken persons.
FC 181/182 – FRENCH FOR COMMUNICATION I & II           
The course(s) are specially tailored for students who have little or no knowledge in French.
These courses are aimed at helping the student to grasp basic vocabulary to be able to function in everyday situations. Spoken French and oral comprehension are emphasized. This is supplemented with written exercises aimed at giving students ample opportunity to maximize their use of the language.
The communicative approach is used to enable students express themselves indifferent situations. By the end of the second semester, students are expected to be able to express themselves well in given situations.
Aspect Grammatical: La definition et genre d’un objet; I’identite d’une personne; Les jours dela semaine; Lesmkois deI’annee; Les chiffresde zero a cent. La conjugasion: Le present de I’indicatif des verbs reguliers et irreguliers.  Interrogation avec les suivant: Est-ce-que
Year Two:    Semester Two


Degradative pathways of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins – glycolysis, TCA, PPP, redox reactions and electron transport, glycogenolysis, ?-oxidation of fatty acids, amino acid degradation.
BCHEM 258 – ORGANIC CHEMSITRY II                  
Alkyl halides: nomenclature, properties, preparations and reactions. Carboxylic acids and derivatives. Chemistry of isoprenoids, hormones, pheromones, alkaloids and flavonoids.
BCHEM 260 – PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II                  
Quantum mechanics. Chemical bonding. Molecular spectroscopy.
BIOL 252 – MICROBIAL ECOLOGY                       
An introduction to the natural environments of microoganisms: the atmospheric, terrestrial and the aquatic environments.  Microoganisms of extreme environments: low water potential, extreme temperatures, extreme pH values, extreme hydrostatic pressure, low nutrient concentration and high UV light radiation. Biofilms.  Strategies for survival: role of stationary phase, spore formation and entry into the viable but non-culturable stage. Dispersal of microorganisms and development of microbial populations: dispersal, colonisation and successions, population establishment, natural selection and adaptations. Interactions involving microorganisms: microbe-microbe, microbe-plant (metabolic associations, antagonisms, the phytosphere, rhizosphere, mycorrhiza, root nodule systems and plant pathogens), microbe-animal (symbiotic, saprophytic and pathogenic).
BIOL 254 – HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY II                         
Urinary systems, excretion and osmoregulation.  Disorders of salt and water balance.  Heat balance and regulation of body temperature. Nervous and endocrine systems – the nerve impulse. Neuromuscular transmission.  Functions of the endocrine glands and neuroendocrine integration.
Part I – Microsoft Excel
Introduction.  Creating a worksheet.  Entering data in cells.  Editing data a cell.  Saving a workbook Closing a workbook and exciting Excel.  Formatting a worksheet.  Working with Formulas and Functions. Using Advance Functions.  Creating a chart.  Working with Lists.  Printing worksheets.
Part II – Microsoft Access
Introduction to Database.  Creating database files.  Creating tables.  Modifying a tables design.  Creating Forms.  Adding Titles and Graphics to Forms.  Resizing, Moving, and Editing Control Objects.  Creating calculated controls.  Creating Forms with two tables.  Creating Queries.  Applying filters to Queries.  Specifying multiple criteria for a Query in Design view.  Creating Reports.  Understanding parts of a Report.  Modifying a Report in Design view.  Sorting records in a Report.  Calculate a total or an Average. Printing Reports.  Defining Relationships in Access database.  Viewing existing relationships between Tables.  Editing existing relationship.   Understanding referential integrity.
Continuation of ENGL 263. Literature as Narrative.  Traditional [19th Century] Narrative, Contemporary Narrative.  The African Novel.
Texts to be studied: Selected African and English novels.
LAW 152   – LAW OF CONTRACT II                 
Vitiating Elements of a Contract: Mistake, misrepresentation; duress, illegality and Unenforceable contracts. Privity of Contract: rules and exceptions. Discharge of Contract: by performance, agreement, breach and frustration. Remedies/ Damages: equitable remedies in outline only, quantum merit claims and quasi contract.
FC 182 – FRENCH FOR COMMUNICATION II                  
L’aspect grammatical; L’article partitif; la conjugaison; pronominalisation, l’expression figee avec le verbe avoir et etre. Degree de l’adjectif; l’expression de la duee, I’expression  interrogative avec les adverbs suivants, L’aspect communicatif;  Au restaurant, invitation; le voyage, remplir une fiche, chercher un appartement, correspondance, Civilisation: la culture francaise.