Kumasi Technical University Entry Requirements

By | November 26, 2018

Kumasi Technical University Entry Requirements, the information provided below are the general entry requirements for any applicants who wishes to study at Kumasi Technical University



a. SSSCE Applicants
I. Six passes (A-D) in all subjects, including English Language and  Mathematics; and
ii. At least three (3) of the passes must be relevant to the area of specialization.

b. WASSCE Applicants
i. Six passes (A1-D7) in all subjects, including English Language and Mathematics; and
ii. Must possess a minimum of C6 in any three (3) of the elective subjects relevant o the area of specialization.

c. ABCE/ ‘O’&’A’ Level Applicants
Five (5) ABCE credits or five (5) GCE Ordinary Level credits including English Language and Mathematics plus at least two (2) GCE ‘A’ Level/ABCE passes.

d. GBCE Applicants
Five (5) GBCE credits including English, Business Mathematics and Integrated Science/Social Studies.

e. DBS Applicants
Four (4) SSSCE/WASSCE Credits including English Language and Mathematics plus at least three DBS passes.

f. Technical School Applicants (Certificate II)
Passes in English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science plus any three (3) relevant trade courses.

g. Mature Applicants
Mature Candidates must:
i. Be 25 years old and show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of birth date which is at least 5 years old at the time of application.
ii. Have at least two (2) years working experience (letter from the employer is required).
iii. Pass a written examination conducted by the University.
iv. Mature applicants applying for HND Dispensing Technology/Medical Laboratory Technology/Science and Industrial Laboratory Technology should have relative hospital/industrial experience with ‘O’ Level/WASSCE/SSSCE pure science background (Chemistry and Biology) as well as credits in English and Mathematics (core) .


Four (4) SSSCE/WASSCE passes including English Language and Mathematics.
Entry Requirements for Technician Part II
Four (4) passes Technician Part I