Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology Graduate School
Before 1974, only a few Departments were offering Postgraduate programmes in the University. The Board of Graduate Studies was established in 1974 to coordinate the activities of those few Departments. It was elevated to the status of a School in (2000AD) following a restructuring by the University Council, to empower it face the present challenges of Graduate Studies in the Country.
The Objective of graduate studies at KNUST has been the training and development of graduates of higher degree Programmes to acquire specialized skills in Science and Technology, to enable them provide appropriate research initiative and leadership in industry, commerce and other sectors of the national economy.
Over the years considerable effort has been made in the various Academic Departments and Faculties to develop graduate programmes that are relevant to the promotion of economic, social, scientific and technology advancement of Ghana. In pursuit of this objective, material and human resources have been appropriately mobilized from within and outside the University to ensure maximum utilization of available potential.