Microfinance At University Of Ghana
The course deals with the importance of microcredit as a financial tool for development. It
provides students with techniques and tools to improve financial services and the sustainability of
microfinance institutions (MFI) by setting realistic interest rates and managing funding. The
course also deals with lending methods: individual and group lending methodologies which place
an emphasis on understanding the client, her/his financial needs and business cycles, streamlined
procedures and detailed loan analysis for delinquency prevention. The course also focuses on the
problems confronting the microfinance institutions and the impact of microfinance on clients’
well-being. Specific topics include: Theories of Microfinance, Microfinance in Ghana, Supply of
Microfinance, Demand for Microfinance, Microfinance Product Development, Microfinance and
Financial Regulation, Microfinance Sustainability, Challenges in the Microfinance Sector and
Rural Banking.