Mobile Commerce and Marketing At University Of Ghana
We have entered the “all mobile era’’. In Ghana, the leading telecommunication provider, MTN
boasts of 8 million subscribers (NCA, 2009) and mobile phones have become much more than
entertainment handsets. Mobile phone owners expect a high-end customer experience with current
3G handsets featuring high resolution colour displays, audio and video content streaming and
Internet access at broadband speeds. These rich communication environments are encouraging and
facilitating the development of business and marketing applications for mobile phones.
This course on Mobile Marketing focuses on how marketing is now being conducted via mobile
phones in an increasingly wireless world. Topics to be covered in the course include mobile
revenue generating services; value added services; SMS marketing and promotions; mobile
retailing; mobile commerce; mobile spam and various ways by which the mobile phone improves
the value chain activities of profit and not-for-profit organisations.