NSS Assessment Form

By | March 4, 2019

NSS Assessment Form, The NSS assessment form is a duty report document that can be edited by your supervisor regarding your attitude and punctuality. The supervisor can also give remarks regarding your efficiency at work and whether you qualify for the assigned tasks. The form has your identification details such as your telephone number, NSS number, and e-mail number just to mention a few.

It also contains the supervisor’s contact information as well as his immediate rank and his organization’s name. These mandatory documents come in three major categories; the NSS annual assessment form, the NSS monthly assessment form, and the enrolment form. The NSS monthly assessment form is signed and renewed after every four weeks while the NSS end of service assessment form is filled when you finish your civic responsibility.

Established in 1973 by Ghana’s Ministry of Education, the NSS has enabled millions of Ghanaians to find work in a country with one of the highest unemployment rates around the globe. Its headquarters are located in Ghana’s capital, Accra, but the NSS has offices distributed across Ghana’s districts and regions to ensure every graduate gets a chance at employment.

The NSS is responsible for sharpening the skills earned by students during their tertiary education through practical national work. This work is used to improve the private and public economic sectors of the country. True to its course, the NSS has enabled Ghana to achieve the status of one of the fastest growing economies in the globe. The program was intended for every Ghanaian over 18 years but was narrowed down to accommodate students from accredited tertiary institutions.

NSS assessment form

The NSS registration closing date for 2018/2019 is scheduled on Thursday the 31st of May 2018. The application portal on the NSS website usually shuts down on the same date a minute before midnight. Once the portal is closed, new applications cannot be submitted until the next application year. The NSS assessment form Ghana can be accessed through the official NSS website. However, you must have a pin code, which can be attained by following the process below.

Checking for my PIN

Process one
  1. Visit the NSS portal

Once you are on that website, various sections of the NSS appear. Choose the first one on the left, check and pay for a pin code.

2. Register

You can check and pay for a pin code by entering your Index Number and your School ID number. After filling in these details, click search.

3. Confirm

After searching, the portal often displays your Pin code and personal information on the screen for verification. You can write it down somewhere or memorize it then visit the Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) where you are expected to pay GHS 40 before commencing with online registration.

Process two

You can also enroll for an NSS pin by using the method put in place by the NSS secretariat, which is mandated with the generation of enrollment pins. These pins are usually generated by your institution after every academic year. Once you have registered for enrolling pins, you can check their status and collect them at the Dean of Students office in your institution. Some universities also send these pins to the student’s affairs office during February and March of every service year.

Once you get your pin, you are required, by law to pay 40 Ghana Cedis at any ADB Bank outlet to proceed to online registration. Note that this process is mandatory and unavoidable for anybody seeking a chance to make the best out of their civic duty year after tertiary education.

Online registration

The assessment form for NSS can be accessed by visiting the portal or this site. However, before visiting this website, ensure that you have at least one valid national identification card, passport, voter’s card, SSNIT card or driver’s license. Not to mention, you are also required to have a scanned passport photograph with a size of not more than 1MB.

This photo will appear on the final certificate so ensure that it is formal. The process below explains how you can finish your online registration and receive an NSS number. Note that all the fields marked with an asterisk on the NSS new assessment form are mandatory and as such the process cannot be completed if they are left blank.


Step One

The first step involves going to the website and logging in using your username and the pin you paid for, which is usually the password. The username can be your ID number or your school index number. Once you press log in, the website should direct you to the first page of the application form.

Step two (Applicant info)

Once you’re on this page, confirm that all the details displayed are factual and entirely yours. If a few or all the information is not correct, contact the live chat located on the page for support. Select your intended means of identification followed by your ID number then proceed. Different means of identification ask for varying numbers, be sure to enter the right number to avoid cancellation of the process.

If you are not sure of the SSNIT Card or driver’s license number you are supposed to enter, contact the live chat for support.

Step Three (Confirmation)

The NSS system then compares the information submitted by your institution to that on your ID and means of identification and provides a match score. There are only four scores; perfect, good, fair, and bad. A perfect score means your information is perfect while a good one means the data is good enough. Fair and bad scores mean the identity information needs further investigation.

Anybody who scores fair or bad needs further approval from the NSS before final posting. However, despite the score, you are allowed to complete filling the form. You can continue by opening the disclaimer message then clicking ‘confirm and continue’ to proceed to the next page.

Step 4 (Complete applicant info)

All graduates are then required to complete filling in the rest of the information required on this page. After this, upload the passport photograph discussed earlier within the specified size and storage space limits. Your address and contact information are compulsory fields and should be filled with factual information. You are also required to enter your next of kin information as the emergency contact.

Ensuring that all the information you fill on this page is correct is crucial as it makes it easy for the NSS to contact you. Click ‘save and continue.’

Step Five (Service-Info)

The service info page required your employment history and others information. If you have any history of employment before or during campus, this is the area where it is required. Other questions asked on this page include your health condition if you have any military training, and if you have any experience in national service to mention a few. After filling in all the required areas, press ‘save and continue.’

Step Six (Preferences)

The preferences page guides the NSS to your final posting. As such, ensure that all the information you provide here is accurate. You are only allowed to select three preferred regions where you want to be posted. However, your choices should be in the order of your preference. The first region should be your first choice and the third your last option.

You should also select the languages which you can write, read, and speak. The second section of the languages area demands you select the number of foreign languages you can write, read, and speak. After selecting the languages, choose the industry where you wish to be posted. Those interested in entrepreneurship are strongly advised to select this field as their first option.

Click save and continue.

Step 7 (Preview)

The preview page provides a summary of all the information entered from the first step. Check it to see if all of it is entered correctly then click submit. If some of the information is wrong, you can always click the back button and change the data before following the process above up to this point. However, it is factual, and you click submit, you will be redirected to our next step.

Step Eight (Congratulations)

The eighth step is a congratulatory message from the NSS upon completion of your online registration. The congratulatory message is often accompanied by an NSS number. The NSS also grants you a dashboard where all registration information can be reviewed and where you can request for services for the NSS. You can also print the registration summary, which contains your NSS Number by clicking the print button located at the bottom of the page.

Remember, if you need any help while filling the form, the NSS customer care support is always there to answer your questions. Simply use the Live Chat feature located at the bottom of the website.

After completing your online registration, be sure to always look out for announcements on the websites regarding posting. You can check to see where you were posted by sending an SMS code to a number provided by the NSS secretariat or by accessing your dashboard on the institution’s online portal.

Once the appointment letter comes, the graduate is expected to report to their new workplace and familiarize with colleagues before they undertake the tasks they’ve been handed. Also, report to the supervising agency and file your letter with the NSS district offices before commencing work. NSS registration might be complete, but all graduates are expected to fill the NSS monthly assessment form and submit it to the district NSS office.

The submission should be endorsed by your supervisor. The NSS end of year assessment form is filled at the end of the year. Once you have completed your civic duty, the Ghanaian government rewards you with a certificate, which makes it easier to get employment in the country. However, to receive this certificate, one must have done everything below.

  • Personnel must have completed their mandatory one (1) year (12 months) National service.
  • Personnel must have had their annual assessment form filled with a fair assessment of their performance by their immediate supervisor or Head of the User Agency where served.
  • Assessment forms must have been submitted at the various District offices of the scheme where the Agency is located
  • Submit your NSS Number for verification in the field below
  • Submit your Means of Identification
  • Fill in your details in the request form displayed
  • Make payment for delivery using the several possible options available