Pentecost University College

About Pentecost University College


About us

The Pentecost University College (PentVars) is a corporate body registered with the Office of the Registrar General, Accra. The University is a non-profit co-educational institution founded by the Church of Pentecost (COP) to provide sound Christian-based tertiary/higher education to raise upright leaders to serve the Church and the nation.

Brief History

Pentecost University College is a Mission University established by the Church of Pentecost. It evolved from The Pentecost Bible College which initially trained only Lay Leaders and full time Ministers for the Church.
The President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency, Mr. J. A. Kuffour, inaugurated the Pentecost University College on May 22, 2003, during the 34th Session of the General Council meeting held at the Sowutuom College campus.
The Pentecost University College Council was inducted on May 6, 2004 at the 10th Session of the Extraordinary Council meeting held at the College campus, Sowutuom. Apostle Dr. M.K. Ntumy, the then Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, chaired the ceremony.

Accreditation and Affiliation

The Pentecost University College was accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB), Ghana in November 2004. The first batch of students were enrolled in February, 2005.
The College is affiliated to the University of Ghana, Legon.

Student Growth

PentVars started with a number of 171 students in 2005. The students’ population as at 19th December, 2011 was 3,874. The International Community is fairly represented. The current International student population is 136. Our students represent Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Nigeria, Togo, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Zambia.


The Faculty strength currently stands at 55. Our teaching staff are specialists and experts in their field. About 13% of the PentVars Faculty are Ph.D holders, 4 out of this number are professors. As a result our students are able to learn from both leading academics and professional practitioners. The PentVars commitment to maintaining the highest possible academic standards has led to the institution of a quality assurance unit. The unit is known as PIQAU (PUC Internal Quality Assurance Unit).


Pentecost University College currently has three campuses. They are:

  • Main Campus
  • City Campus
  • Agogo Campus

Main Campus

The main campus of Pentecost University College is sited at Sowutuom, away from the hustle and bustle and inner city traffic of Accra. Sowutuom (which literally translates “hold your gun”) is within the western parts of Accra. The main PentVars campus is located in a quiet and serene area off the Kwashieman-Ofankor highway.  The main campus is the hub of our undergraduate programmes.

City Campus

The city campus has been designated for our graduate and executive school. It is located at the plush Kama Conference Centre in Labone, a suburb of Accra. This prime location is to enable executives who are hard pressed with time easily access graduate and executive programmes.

Agogo Campus

The Agogo campus is situated at Agogo near Konongo in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Located outside Accra, this Campus is purposely for group getaway seminars, conferences and retreats.

Admission Into Pentecost University College

Programs Offered At Pentecost University College

Cut Off Points Of Pentecost University College

Contact Information For Pentecost University College


P. O. Box KN 1739,
Accra – Ghana


[email protected]


Tel: +233 302 417057/8
Fax: +233 302 417064
