Regent School Of Informatics, Engineering And Technology

Regent School Of Informatics, Engineering And Technology

The School of Informatics and Engineering (SIE) has been established as a pace-setter institution in Ghana to provide high quality and integrated ICT-based university education, having in mind the developmental and technological needs of the African continent.
Regent sees the study of the structure, behaviour, and the interactions of both natural and artificial computational systems as a discipline critical to the future development of science, technology and society.
In our fast-moving technology oriented world, the discipline of computer science in its various facets, is affecting every aspect of human endeavour. To reflect the ever-changing nature of computer science and its close interaction with other disciplines, the curriculum of the SIE has taken into consideration broad range of programmes and disciplines.


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The Dean

Regent University College of Science and Technology
P. O. Box DS 1636,
Dansoman, Accra