School of Graduate Studies Entry Retirements
A good first degree (at least a second class lower division) in a relevant field of study at the University of Ghana or any recognized University. A minimum of two to three years working experience is required from all applicants desiring to pursue programmes at the University of Ghana Business School.
For more details in respect of Admission requirements, applicants are advised to contact the various Departments/Schools/Institutes/Centres for additional information on the various programmes.
For purposes of assessing an applicant’s eligibility, he/she may be required to take an entrance examination and/or interview at the Department/Institute/School/Centre.
For programmes marked with asterisks (*), all applicants are admitted into the MA/MSc programme at the first instance. Students who obtain an average of B+ or better MAY progress to the MPhil programme upon recommendation by the Head of Department in consultation with the Graduate Studies Committee of his/her Department.
Admission to any of the of PhD programmes will require a relevant masters’ degree. It will also be limited to candidates whose academic and scholastic records show a potential for successful completion of doctoral degree programme.
All PhD programmes in the University are now fee-paying and the durations are:
i. Full-Time – Four (4) years
ii. Part-Time – Six (6) years
MBA/MPhil Management Information Systems
Prospective applicants must have at least two (2) years working experience in an IT environment to qualify for admission
MPhil (Food Utilization and Community Nutrition)
Applicants must have a strong science background to qualify for admission.
MPhil/MA English
Applicants seeking admission to these programmes must have:
1. Majored in either a combined or single major programme
2. taken at least 30 credits in the subject
MSc. Audiology
Applicants must have a good first degree (minimum FGPA of 3.0) in Physics, Psychology, Biological Sciences, and Special Education with major in Communication Disorder or Nursing
MPhil Social work
Applicants are to submit one page essay (single spaced) stating their short and long-term career goals. They are to also discuss how a graduate programme in Social Work will help them achieve these goals. (The essay should be submitted directly to this email address, [email protected])
MPhil Anatomy
Applicants should first discuss their research ideas with the Department before completing the application form.
MPhil Chemical Pathology
Applicants will be required to show proof of funding for their project work.
MPhil Pharmacology
The programme is open to applicants who possess BSc degrees with a minimum of second class lower division in any science subject (Biomedical, Biological, Physics with Biology).
MSc Medical Laboratory Sciences
Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences with a FGPA of not less than 3.25 or possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences with a minimum of second class upper from a recognised university.
General Requirements:
To be admitted to a course leading to the award of a higher degree, an applicant must have obtained a good first degree (at least a second class lower division) in an appropriate field of study at the University of Ghana or any other reputable University. For further admission requirements to a specific programme, refer to that programme.
In the case of an applicant who does not satisfy the requirement in an appropriate field of study but is otherwise adjudged suitable, the relevant Faculty may be required to draw up a programme for such an applicant. This may include some undergraduate courses and examination to remedy any deficiencies.
PhD – Normally a Masters degree with research in the relevant field will be required for admission to this programme. Where an applicant is judged to have any deficiency, this may be remedied by requiring the applicant to make up as appropriate either by course work or mini-project or both.
DPhil – Available for graduates of the University of Ghana of not less than 10 years standing. Awarded for published works of academic merit.
Only graduates of the University of Ghana of not less than ten years’ standing shall be eligible for the award of the DPhil degree. The degree shall be awarded in consideration of published works of academic merit, the standard being not less than that of PhD.
Entry to the examination for a DPhil degree shall be on the appropriate form obtainable from the Registrar. An application shall be sponsored by a Senior Member of the University (eligible for appointment as a University Examiner) who is acquainted with the work of the applicant.
The applicant shall submit to the Dean of Graduate Studies, along with his/her application, three copies of each of the published works, which he/she desires to be taken into consideration. These may take the form either of a book or of a series of articles. In either case, the material shall feature a coherent theme. A book submitted in support of an application shall have been published at least three years earlier than the time of application. In the case of a series of articles, the last one shall have been published at least two years earlier.
The same procedure shall be followed in the examination of the applicant’s publications as those prescribed in 31.2 for the examination of a PhD thesis. The applicant’s sponsor shall normally be appointed as one of the Examiners.
MD Available for graduates in the Clinical Disciplines, Dentistry and Public Health with not less than 5 years service after internship. The degree may be acquired in three ways by the graduates of the medical specialities:
A thesis may be presented and defended. This shall apply to applicants who already possess the FWACP, FWACS, MRCOG, MRCP, FRCS, and/or other recognised qualifications. It shall apply also to those who have PhD in any of the medical specialities.
Applicants without any of the above professional/academic qualifications shall be required, in addition to a thesis, to pass a qualifying examination and an oral examination of the thesis.
An individual who does not qualify under MD
but who has done some distinguished work in the field of medicine may submit to the Dean of Graduate Studies along with his/her application, three copies of each of the published works which he/she desires to be taken into consideration. These materials may take the form either of a book or of a series of articles. But in either case, the material shall feature a coherent theme. A book submitted in support of an application shall have been published at least three years earlier than the time of the application. In the case of a series of articles, the last one shall have been published at least two years earlier.
Related links
About School of Graduate Studies – University of Ghana
School of Graduate Studies Entry Retirements
School of Graduate Studies Programmes Or Courses
Contact School of Graduate Studies – University of Ghana