Takoradi Polytechnic Admissions

Takoradi Polytechnic Admissions

Takoradi Polytechnic Admissions are normally opened for application by the general public in the first quarter of every year.
The admission process of Takoradi Polytechnic as well as many other polytechnic and tertiary institutions in the country starts with the release of Takoradi Polytechnic Admissions forms. The forms are to be purchased either from a bank or a post office or any other desiganate location tobe specified at the time of the release of the admission forms.
A prospective applicant is required to provide all the necessary supporting documents in order to have his or her application proceed.
The final stage of Takoradi Polytechnic Admission process is the release of the admission list of Takoradi Polytechnic in mostly the last quarter of the year.