UDS Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources

UDS Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources

The Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources is located at the Nyankpala Campus, about 20Km West of Tamale. It started as a fully-fledged faculty in the 2009/2010 academic year after metamorphosing from the then Department of Renewable Natural Resources under the Faculty of Agriculture. The Faculty is involved in teaching, research, and extension services; and to train the needed manpower for sustainable management and utilization of the country’s renewable natural resources for national development. The faculty is currently running 4 years B. Sc. Renewable Natural Resources and plans are far advanced to introduce M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. programmes.
The Faculty is currently carrying out a number of research activities to conserve and manage renewable natural resources in the local communities including wildlife, forests, protected areas, sacred groves, and watersheds in northern Ghana and the country as a whole.


Currently, the faculty has four (4) departments as follows:

  • Range and Wildlife Management;
  • Forestry and Forest Resources Management;
  • Eco-tourism and Environmental Management
  • Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management

The Faculty offers the following Programmes;
4-Year BSc Renewable Natural Resources

  • Forest & Forest Resources Management
  • Range & Wildlife Management
  • Ecotourism & Environmental Management
  • Fisheries & Aquatic Resource Management

Diploma in Natural Resource Management