University of Cape Coast UCC Anthem

University of Cape Coast UCC Anthem

The UCC Anthem

UCC,UCC we’re the liveliest of them all
UCC,UCC  we’re the teachers of the nation
We learn to teach;we find and pass on
We counsel,we guide that all may be enlightened
UCC,UCC:therefore rise to your call
UCC,UCC:to the call, let rise
To our call let us rise,veritas nobis lumen
UCC,UCC we’re the humblest of them all
UCC,UCC we’re the bedrock of all knowledge
Being proud of this we students and workers
In concert shall work,that your image may be heightened
UCC,UCC we’re the kindest of them all
UCC,UCC we’re the brain-child of Nkrumah
We train, we mould and live by his vision
To impact all virtue that Ghana may be strengthened.