University of Ghana Biochemistry Department

University of Ghana Biochemistry Department

Advances in the field of Life Sciences have been propelled by research in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular biology. Whilst biochemistry studies the chemical processes of the cell, cell biology deals with the structure and function of the cell and molecular biology focuses on the molecular basis of life processes. The aim of these three disciplines is to provide an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of biological processes (life). They are laboratory and research based sciences that apply the concepts of Biology and Chemistry to the vastly different biological systems. Biochemistry in particular is central to all areas of the Life Sciences because it provides an essential foundation for research in the emerging Bioscience and Biotechnology-based disciplines. There are close links with other specialized fields of life sciences, such as Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Virology as well as the Physical Sciences such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering.
Established in 1962, the Department of Biochemistry of the University of Ghana has undergone several transformations in its course content and offerings.  The Department is poised to playing an important role in the University’s strategic plan for achieving pre-eminence in the Life Sciences and Faculty of Science vision of becoming a leader in cutting-edge Scientific Research.
Programmes: The Department offers a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry combined with a second subject, e. g. BSc Biochemistry and Nutrition.

University of Ghana Biochemistry Department Programs

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry combined with a second subject, e. g. BSc Biochemistry and Nutrition.

University of Ghana Biochemistry Department Contact

Department of Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
Volta Road
P.O. Box LG 54
Tel: 0302 514086