University of Ghana Department of Sociology

University of Ghana Department of Sociology

Welcome to the Department of Sociology. Established in 1950, the Department is largest in the School of the Social Sciences with a current student population of about 4,500. Its mission is to “develop world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research, and knowledge dissemination”. Sociology is the study of society and is perhaps the most exciting social science disciplines of our times. It offers a scientific approach to the understanding of the nature, organization and functioning of human society. It examines human behaviour, social interactions, social relationships, social institutions, and their consequences. Sociology is interested in what holds society together and what causes social change. It uses various concepts, theories, and research methods to provide a distinct perspective called “sociological” for understanding many aspects of society as well as social problems.
Sociology’s subject matter is broad as evidenced in its numerous sub-disciplines that focus on, for example, the family, ethnicity, culture and cultural diversity, crime and social control, work, industry and organizations, health and illness, politics, urbanization, law, religion, gender, population and demography, societal development, mass media and communication, science and technology, globalization, tourism, etc. Sociology equips students with cutting-edge knowledge, analytical minds, and research skills for personal intellectual development and also for understanding of how human societies are organized and function. The Department trains students at undergraduate and postgraduate (MA, MPhil, and PhD) levels. Sociology students have a wide range of career prospects in teaching and research institutions, industrial organizations, the civil service, the public sector, the banks, the telecommunication industry, Non-Governmental Organizations, international development agencies and in others areas where human services are delivered.

University Of Ghana Departments Of Anesthesia About

The Department of Sociology was established in 1950. It derives its mission from that of the University, which is to “develop world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination”. The Department has grown steadily over the years to become the largest department in the Faculty of the Social Sciences with a student population of about 4,500. It has trained and continues to train hundreds of young men and women at both the undergraduate and postgraduates (MA, MPhil and PhD) levels, who are in various sectors of the Ghanaian society. Sociology is a scientific discipline that studies all aspects of society. It has many sub-disciplines; as such it is the broadest of the social science disciplines. Sociology’s importance to modern society is immense where human services have to be provided. The Department services other departments in the University and outside organizations, for example, Departments of Nursing, Social Work, Home Science and the Faculty of Engineering. Others are: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy, University of Ghana Medical School, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER), Ghana Police College, Ghana Prisons, government institutions and local as well as international civil society/Non-Governmental Organizations, among others.

University of Ghana Department of Sociology Admissions

University Of Ghana Departments Of Sociology Programs

Sample Courses For Level 100 students

SOCI 102/122 Diversity of Peoples and Cultures Evolution and diversity of humanity; Unities and diversities in social organizations; Ecology, economy and society; Modes of subsistence and adaptation: hunters and gatherers/foraging, horticulture, agriculture, pastoralism, modern industrialized economies… SOCI 101/121 Principles of Social Organization Man as social animal and the basis social life; Social interaction and the constitution of society; The sociological perspective on society; Building blocks of social organization; Concepts for analyzing social structure and culture: norms, folkways, mores,…
SAMP 101: Sample Course 1Objective: The course is intended to introduce students to the importance of this sample course.

University Of Ghana Departments Of Sociology Contact

Contact Us

University of Ghana
Department of Sociology
P.O.Box LG 65
Tel: 0302500312