University of Ghana Psychology

University of Ghana Psychology

About University of Ghana Psychology

The Department of Psychology was established in 1967 under the Faculty of Social Studies. It has trained and continues to train hundreds of young men and women at both undergraduate and
postgraduate level and provides services to other departments such as Social Work, Medicine, Public Health and Pharmacy. It is one of the largest Departments in the University in terms of student numbers, with over three thousand, five hundred (3,500) students even though it is housed in a very small temporary structure. Despite these constraints, the Department continues to work towards its long term mission and is becoming a center of excellence. Three attractive programs namely, Clinical, Industrial and Organizational and Social Psychology are presently offered at the postgraduate level. The department currently has two professors, one associate professor, six senior lecturers and eight lecturers on its teaching staff.

University of Ghana Psychology Admissions

University of Ghana Admissions are conducted from January to June
For details on Admission requirement see the University of Ghana Admissions

University of Ghana Psychology fees

Fees are paid yearly or on semesters arrangement.
For details see the University Of Ghana Fees

University of Ghana Psychology Contact

University of Ghana
Department of Psychology
P.O.Box LG 84 Legon
Tel: 028-955-0463