University Of Ghana UG Legon Requirements For Bachelor's Graduation

University Of Ghana UG Legon Requirements For Bachelor’s Graduation

A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for graduation if:
i. he/she has satisfied all General University and Faculty requirements;
i. he/she has accumulated the minimum number of credits required by the Faculty,
including core and prescribed electives as follows:
31.1.1 Administration, Arts, Social Studies, Home Science, Nursing and Science
Entry into Levels 100 and 200
a. 108 credits and passed at least 90 credits.
b. he/she must not have failed more than 18 credits of core courses and
prescribed electives, provided that the failed grades are not lower than “D”
Entry into Level 300
a. 72 credits and passed at least 60 credits.
b. he/she must not have failed more than 12 credits of core and prescribed
electives, provided that the failed grades are not lower than “D”
31.1.2. Agriculture
a. 126 credits and passed at least 105 credits
b. he/she must not have failed more than 21 credits of core and prescribed
electives, provided that the failed grades are not lower than “D”
31.1.3. Law
a. 96 credits and passed at least 72 credits including all core courses
b. he/she must not have failed any of the core courses (where failure means a grade
below “C”)
c. he/she must not have failed more than 12 credits of elective courses (where
failure means a grade below “C”)
31.1.4. Engineering Sciences
a. 144 credits and passed at least 120 credits
b. he/she must not have failed more than 24 credits of core and prescribed
electives, provided that the failed grades are not lower than “D”
31.2 Long Essay/Project Work, wherever applicable, shall be submitted for assessment
before the date of the last paper in the second semester examination. In default the
candidate shall be asked to submit the Long Essay/Project Work the following semester
and shall be treated as a Repeat Examination, with all its implications.
* With the exception of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Level 100 courses shall not usually count towards the
computation of theFGPA for the classification of the Bachelor’s degree.
32.1 All end-of-semester examination results from Level 200 except University and Faculty
required courses, shall be taken into account in the computation of the Final Grade
Point Averages (FGPA) for the classification of the bachelor‘s degree. Level 100
courses in the Faculty of Engineering Sciences shall, however, count towards
computation of the FGPA for the classification of the bachelor‘s degree*.
32.2 The GPAs at Levels 200, 300 and 400 shall be weighted in the proportions 1:2:2. In the
Faculty of Engineering Sciences the weighting shall be 1:1:2:2.
32.3 In the determination of the FGPA, a weighted average of all repeat courses shall be
used, as for instance, a 3-credit course with a ‗D‘ at first attempt and an ‗A‘ at the
second attempt shall attract a total of 6 credits in the computation of the Grade Point
Average of that particular course.
32.4 The full scheme of classification shall read as follows:
First Class – FGPA of 3.60 or better
Second Class (Upper) – FGPA of 3.25 – 3.59
Second Class (Lower) – FGPA of 2.50 – 3.24
Third Class – FGPA of 2.00 – 2.49
Pass – FGPA of 1.50 – 1.99
Fail – FGPA of below 1.50
32.5 The following degrees of the College of Health Sciences, BSc (Med Sci), MB ChB,
BDS and BSc in the Allied Health Sciences shall not be classified.
32.6 University and Faculty required courses shall continue to remain ancillary subjects and
a pass in every subject shall be required by all undergraduate degree students for the
award of a Bachelor‘s degree; marks obtained shall be entered on the student‘s
transcript, but shall not count towards the classification of the degree.
A list of candidates who are deemed eligible as in Sections 30, 31 and 32 shall be laid
before the Academic Board for approval at the first meeting in the following academic
year. No award shall be confirmed unless the Academic Board is satisfied that the
candidate has satisfied all the conditions for the award of a degree.
Following confirmation of an award of a degree as in Section 33, the candidate shall be
entitled to be awarded a diploma of the appropriate Bachelor’s Degree under the seal of
the University at a Congregation of the University assembled for that purpose The
diploma shall indicate the Principal Subject or Subjects offered and the class of degree
35.1 Notwithstanding previous confirmation of an award of a degree as in Section 33 and
presentation of a diploma as in Section 34, the Academic Board may at any time cancel
an award, even with retrospective effect, if it becomes known that:
i. a candidate had entered the University with false qualifications, or
ii. a candidate had impersonated someone else, or
iii. a candidate had been guilty of an examination malpractice for which a
grade Z would have been awarded, or
iv. that there are other reasons that would have led to the withholding
of confirmation of the award in the first place.
35.2 In any such event, the decision of the Academic Board shall be published on the
University Notice Board and the candidate notified. Such cancellation and the reasons
for it shall be entered on the candidate’s transcript.
The Bachelor‘s Degree of the University of Ghana shall be dated with reference to the
last day of the Semester during which the final examination is taken. This provision
shall, however, not apply to the Medical and Dental Schools.
37.1 At the end of a student’s programme, the University shall, on the payment of an
appropriate fee, issue to the particular student a complete transcript of his/her academic
record. This transcript shall be marked Student Copy and shall record all courses
attempted and all results obtained.
37.2 In writing the Bachelor‘s degree certificate or in writing a student‘s transcript, it shall
be clearly indicated which subjects constitute the candidate‘s Major, Minor or
Combined Major disciplines, where appropriate.
38.1 A student transferring from one university to this university shall accumulate a
minimum of 72 credits over a study period of 4 semesters as a full-time student in this
University before he/she shall become eligible for graduation. For the BSc. Agriculture,
a minimum of 84 credits shall be accumulated.
38.2 The classification of the degree shall be based only on the courses taken at this
39.1 A student may decide to re-register for and repeat a failed course only on a future
occasion upon payment of the appropriate fee. If he/she repeats the course and passes
its examination, he/she shall be awarded the full grade earned on that occasion. The
student‘s transcript will show the number of occasions the candidate took the
examination for that particular course and the grades earned on all such occasions.
39.2 However, in determining the FGPA, a weighted average of all repeat courses shall be
used, as for instance, a 3-credit course with a ‗D‘ at first attempt and an ‗A‘ at the
second attempt shall attract a total of 6 credits in the computation of the Grade Point
Average of that particular course.