University Of Ghana UG Legon Student’s Service And Associations
Council represents student interests at the university. It co-ordinates the activities of the
academic, cultural, religious, political and recreational clubs and societies, provides a link
with outside organizations and concerns itself with all aspects of student welfare within the
university. Its officers are elected annually by a ballot of all students during the second
semester to serve the following academic year. Executives of the Junior Common Room
(JCR) also serve on the Council. All students registered at the university are automatically
members of the SRC, which levies direct income from its members to finance its programmes
and activities. The SRC is a constituent organization of the National Union of Ghana Students,
which provides a focal point of all aspect of student activities nationally and internationally.
The Union runs a broadcasting service on campus called RADIO UNIVERS, which transmits
to the campus site and its environs and even as far as to the city of Accra and slightly beyond.
These together with the student newspapers, provide a comprehensive information service on
campus. One area of SRC activity is the SRC Women‘s Commission, which, organizes
programmes to educate female students on their rights and responsibilities as young women.
The Commission runs a number of its own community action projects, and also liaises
between student volunteers and voluntary and non-governmental organizations in and around
the country.
The SRC has representation on the Council of the University and on University
Boards/Committees which deal with students‘ welfare.
GRADUATE STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION: The Graduate Students‘ Association was
formed in the early years of the 1990‘s to cater for the special needs of graduate students. All
graduate students registered at the University are automatically members of the Association.
The Association levies direct income from its members to finance its activities. Members also
maintain their membership of the Students‘ Representative Council, to which appropriate dues
are paid. The Association organizes seminars, special fora and social mix events, all aimed at
enhancing greater interaction among graduate students. The Executive is also responsible for
representing the Association on the Council of the University as well as other Boards/
Committees of the University which deal with welfare of students.
JUNIOR COMMON ROOM (JCR): There is a Junior Common Room in each Hall of
Residence to which every student in statu pupillari and attached to the Hall is a member. The
JCR has its own constitution. It elects its governing body of officers who seek to protect the
interests of junior members of the Hall and provide cultural, social and sporting activities for the
Hall. The JCR of a Hall, through its officers, maintains relations with JCRs of other Halls and is
a recognised channel of communication between junior members and the Hall authorities. The
revenue of the JCR is derived from students’ contributions and contributions from the University
through the Hall Council.
SPORTS: All sporting activities of the University are conducted by the Sports Directorate.
The University has, since 2005, begun a process to better integrate sport into our academic
programmes and has also taken steps to focus more on wellness issues for students and staff.
This has involved significant administrative, infrastructural and programme development.
The University is working to put in place workable sports programmes at all its campuses, to
ensure that all students have a good balance between their academic work and other activities
which are an integral part of the university experience.
HEALTH SERVICES: The University Hospital was opened in October 1959. It consists of an
Out-patient Department, an Operating Theatre, X-Ray Department, a Laboratory and a Ward
section, a Paediatric Ward, Emergency Unit and a Dental Clinic. The Hospital offers medical
attention to all members of the University community, namely, students, staff and staff
dependants, as well as members of the public. All new students to the University are given a
thorough medical examination at the beginning of their first year. Likewise, members of staff go
through thorough medical examinations on their first appointment. Students requiring medical
treatment are seen daily at the Students‘ Clinic located within the Central Cafeteria Building.
COUNSELLING AND PLACEMENT CENTRE: The Counselling and Placement Centre
offers comprehensive, professional counselling as well as a career and placement service to all
members of the University. The Centre strives to maintain an independent and congenial
environment in which people can freely seek information and professional help on various
concerns. Counselling is confidential and is provided only at the request of, or with the
concurrence of, the person involved. Students may report for individual counselling on a variety
of concerns ranging from short-term academic, social, personal and family concerns to longerterm
emotional and psychological problems. Group counselling is provided on specific concerns
frequently expressed by students. Preventive counselling lectures and seminars are organised at
various times of the year on topics intended to stimulate positive and healthy development and
discourage habits which tend to create problems for students. The Centre also offers a basic
career and placement service for students and alumni. Under this programme:
i. Students are assisted with self-assessment, career choice, and self-penetration,
including writing of applications and resumés, and performance at interviews;
ii. Colloquia between students and representatives of major employing organisations are held
yearly at which students learn about the functions and operations of major establishments
in the country, the range of jobs offered to university graduates, and the corresponding
qualifications and personal attributes required;
iii. Students and alumni are assisted to get placement on jobs through introductory letters,
direct canvassing by the Centre, liaison with employers for campus interviews etc.
The Centre has an information room containing literature on post-graduate and professional
courses offered by this University and foreign institutions as well as a modest collection of
books and leaflets on a number of careers suitable for graduates in various disciplines.
OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS: The Office of the Dean of Students provides
counselling and information services for students, administers the non-academic student
disciplinary system and student grievance procedure, and assists in non-academic programme
development. The Dean works in close collaboration with the Heads of Halls, SRC, the Sports
Directorate, the Counselling and Placement Centre and the University Public Affairs
Directorate Office. He also runs a Host Family Service for foreign students interested in being
fostered by local families.
Programmes was established on 11 June, 1997 with the mandate to promote and co-ordinate
all the University‘s external relations, including international students, scholars on various
exchange programmes, staff on exchange and external staff training programmes. The Office
also acts as the central office to deal with links between this University and other universities.
The Office of International Programmes is located in the K.A.B. Jones Quartey Building.
STUDENTS FINANCIAL AID OFFICE: The Students Financial Aid Office (SFAO) was
established in August 2005, necessitated by the increasing number of applications and
requests from students for financial assistance. The University of Ghana sees the operation of
the SFAO as strategic and an integral part of its programmes as it enables needy but bright
students to access university education. Financial aid is available to Ghanaian students and is
intended to remove the cost barriers that may prevent you from pursuing your educational
goals. For now, financial aid provided by the University involves financial support towards
academic fees only. The additional elements would be added as resources become available.
Assistance is available from a variety of sources such as funding from Government, the
University, and other private sources. Brilliant students who demonstrate significant financial
need may qualify for financial aid. Financial Aid at the University is in the form of a full
scholarship, partial scholarship and, on-campus work-study or part-time job opportunities for
students. In order to qualify to apply for and receive financial aid from the University of
Ghana, a student must meet all of the following requirements:
Be a Ghanaian citizen
Be enrolled as a regular student in full time programme of study
Be able to demonstrate financial need
Be brilliant, and
Be making excellent academic progress as determined by the University.
If you are unsure about any of the items stated above, please contact the Students Financial
Aid Office in the Alumni Centre or via email [email protected] . The application process for
financial aid for continuing students commences in December of each year. The awards are
made by the end of the second semester, to be utilised in the following academic year. The
process is also available to new students during the First Semester of enrolment. Information
is available during new student orientation. Application forms for financial aid can be
downloaded from the Students Financial Aid Office website:
committed to a policy of equal opportunity in education and to ensuring that students with
disabilities have as complete and equitable access to all facets of University life as can be
reasonably provided. The University has taken steps to ensure that no student with any form of
disability is disadvantaged in the pursuit of academic laurels. Toward this the University has
an Office of Students with Special Needs located in the Student Union Building. The Office
has a Coordinator who is supported by a number of resource persons. Students with the
following categories of disability may register with the office:
Hearing Impairment/Deaf
Visual Impairment/Blind
Specific Learning Difficulties
Physical Disability
Medical Disability
Mental Health Difficulties
The Office helps identify varied needs of the affected students and provides support services
to enable them achieve optimum academic outcomes. The support includes: braillers, readers,
interpreters, enlarged prints, note-takers, alternative exam arrangements, etc.
The University of Ghana is often labelled the most conservative and “academic” campus in
Ghana. However, there is always a lot to do and see before and after lectures and students enjoy
very active social lives, because of the various activities which they frequently organize.
Clubs and Societies: There is a wide choice of clubs and societies on campus for students.
Religion is catered for by a variety of religious bodies and associations which include the
Presbyterian Students’ Union, Legon Pentecostal Students’ Union, Pax Romana, Ghana
Muslim Students Association, Ahmaddiya Muslim Students’ Union, The Anglican Society, the
University Christian Fellowship, the Nichiren Shoshu to name a few. Students are also able to
join in activities organised by their Faculties on campus. The Political Science Students’
Association. The Law Students’ Union, The National Association of Science Students, The
Medical School Writers Club, The Ghana Association of Medical Students, Agricultural
Science Students’ Association, Ghana National Association of Teachers (Legon Branch), are
a few examples of such associations which seek to protect and promote their respective
academic and professional interests. A number of international clubs are also very active on
campus. Students with special needs also have an association called Disabled Students’
Association aimed at promoting their interest and welfare on campus. There are also a number of
charitable and benevolent societies which operate on campus, for instance, the Child Survival
Club, the Rotaract Club and the Student Services Organisatio to name a few. Extra-curricular
activities do not end with clubs and societies. The Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The
Graduate Students’ Association of Ghana (Legon Branch) and the Junior Common Rooms of
the Halls of Residence often generate a lot of activity on campus. Students are encouraged to
partake in their annual events.
Events: Hall Weekends are big events on campus. Students’ imagination and innovation are put
to the test in week-end celebrations. Inter Hall Football Galas are also organised to the delight of
sports fans. There is also an annual inter Halls Cross Country race coordinated by the Sports
Places: At the end of an active day’s work, there is always a need to relax and have fun. Some of
the popular spots on campus are Tyme-Out (Legon Hall), Taco Bell (Akuafo Hall) and On the
Run (just outside the main University entrance) – the central meeting places for students from all
halls. Fast foods and drinks are provided; films are shown as well. Other places like The
Basement, Tasty Treats and the JCRs also provide good places to eat, drink and relax.
University Bookshop: Located at the University Square, The University Bookshop stocks a
wide selection of textbooks and other reading material and is open to the general public.
Printing Facilities: A Printing Press currently run by the School of Communication Studies is
part of a UNESCO project on rural communications. It undertakes printing jobs not only for the
various sections of the University but also for individuals and organizations outside the
University. The Institute of Adult Education and the Institute of African Studies also have
facilities for printing. The Balme Library has a technical unit which undertakes binding.
University Guest Centre: The Centre comprises a restaurant and a number of bed-sitters, flats
and bungalows for the University’s guests.
Banks and Postal Services: The Ghana Commercial Bank, the Standard Chartered Bank,
Barclays Bank, Ecobank and HFC Bank have branches on the University campus. The national
postal service has a branch on the campus, and the University has an Internal Mail Office which
facilitates postal services within the University.
Supermarket/Market: There is a supermarket on campus located close to the International
Students‘ Hostels. There is also a small market in the same area where students can purchase
various cooked foods and foodstuffs.
Laundry Service: Most halls of residence operate laundry services. There is also a private
laundry service just outside the University campus.
Security: The University has its own Security Service which provides guard services for both
departmental buildings and residential areas. The Legon Police Station is located just outside the
main entrance to the University .
Development and maintenance of property: The development and maintenance of the
University’s infrastructural facilities and amenities are the basic responsibility of the Physical
Development and Municipal Services Directorate. This function is performed under the direction
of a Director, supported by a team of technical and administrative staff.