University Of Professional Studies Department Of Information Technology
The department was set up in 2008 to:
- Provide students with opportunity to develop practical skills to develop and integrate manage information systems.
- Train students to assemble, install, troubleshoot, repair and upgrade computer hardware
- Train students to design, develop and manage data communications networked systems.
- Provide specialized knowledge for the design and management of Database.
- Provide a solid foundation in computing for web development and management.
- Provide students with the necessary skill and knowledge to configure and maintain ICT infrastructure.
- Produce students who will on graduation be self-reliant to participate in the technological development and the advancement of Information and Communication Technology in Ghana and indeed the world.
- Prepare students for post-graduate work in the field of Information and Communication Technology Management education and research.
Causes taught in the department are outlined below:
- PBIM 101 Introduction to Information Technology
- PBIM103 Business Mathematics
- PBIM 105 Graphics and Multimedia Applications
- PBIM107 Communication Skills
- PBPS105 French Language I
- PBPS 111 Fundamentals Public Administration
- PBIM102 Business Application Software
- PBIM104 Computer Hardware Systems
- PBIM106 Programming Fundamentals
- PBIM108 Introduction to Management
- PBPS112 Business Communication
- PBPS108 French Language II
- PBIM201 Web Development Fundamentals
- PBIM203 Operating Systems
- PBIM 205 Object Oriented Programming
- PBBS201 Quantitative Methods
- PBBS205 Principles of Economics I (Micro)
- PBIM207 Fundamentals of Networks
- PBBS209 Introduction to Environmental Management
- PBIM 202 Web Development Technologies
- PBIM204 Introduction to Computational Mathematics
- PBIM 206 Principles of Accounting
- PBIM 208 Database Management Systems I
- PBBS208 Introduction to Business Finance
- PBBS212 Business Law
- PBBS214 Principles of Economics II (Macro)
- PBIM 301 Database Management Systems II
- PBIM 303 System Analysis and Design
- PBIM 305 Automation of Business Processes and Systems
- PBIM 307 Data Communication and Computer Networks
- PBBS301 Business Statistics
- PBBS309 Introduction Total Quality Management
- PBIM 304 Network and Systems Administration
- PBIM 306 Software Quality Management
- PBBS 306 Management Information Systems
- PBBS304 Research Methods
- PBBA 304 Operations Management
- PBBS206 Economy of Ghana
- PBBS 401 Internship
- PBIM 401 Computer and Network Security
- PBIM 403 Information Management
- PBIM 405 IT Implementation and Maintenance
- PBIM407 Information Technology Projects Management
- PBBA303 Human Resource Management
- PBIM 409 Electronic Business
- PBIM 411 End User Management
- PBBS 400 Dissertation
- PBIM 402 Systems Audit and Control
- PBIM 404 Management of IT Systems and Resources
- PBIM404 Professional Computing Practice
- PBBS302 Entrepreneurship Development
- PBIM 408 Mobile Web Development
- PBIM 412 Marketing in the IT Sector