UPSA Diploma Programmes

UPSA Diploma Programmes


In line with the tenets of the University of Professional Studies Acts, 1999 (Act 566) to promote tertiary education leading to the award of Certificates, Diploma, and Degrees; the University introduced tertiary Diploma in Management, Marketing, Accounting and Public Relations Management in August, 2008. The programmes are specially designed to meet the middle level manpower needs of the public and private sectors of the economy.
Just as the undergraduate programmes, the University of Professional Studies, Accra has been given the official approval by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) to run the Diploma programmes.
Duration of the diploma programmes:
The diploma programmes shall take a minimum of four (4) semesters and a maximum of eight (8) semesters. The minimum and maximum periods are calculated from the date of first registration.
The entire Diploma course shall have letter and number codes beginning with four letters and followed by three digits. Conveniently, the two sets of the four chosen letters namely ‘PDBA’ which represent “Professional Diploma in Business Administration” and “Professional Diploma in Public Relations Management” respectively, while the range of numbers is as follows:
Level 100 Courses                  101- 116
Level 200 Courses                  201- 232
The third digit in the number code shall be defined as odd number for a course offered in the first semester and even number for a course offered in the second semester. Zero for a course offered in both the first and second semesters.


A full- time Diploma student shall be required to carry a minimum work load of Eighteen (18) credits and maximum of twenty-one (21) credit per semester. Under normal circumstances, students shall not be allowed to enroll for less than the required minimum credits except if it satisfies Faculty and Institutional requirements.


  1. RequirementsTo qualify for the award of the University’s Diploma, a student must take all the courses totaling seventy- two (72) credit (maximum) and obtain a CGPA of at least 1.50 for 2010/2011 entrants and a CGPA of at least 1.00 for 2011/2012 and subsequent entrants. A student must pass each subject. The pass mark in an individual subject is forty percent (40%) the student in addition must have discharged all obligations owed the Institute and the Faculty/ Department as may be prescribed in respect of Diploma.
  2. GraduationThe Diploma appropriately designated shall be awarded to a student who has been properly admitted to the Diploma Programme of the University, followed the prescribed course of study over the period as well as fulfilled all the requirement pertaining to 1.5 (old grading system) and 1.00 (new grading system).
  3. Cancellation of AwardsA UPSA Diploma conferred on a student may be cancelled at any time even with retrospective effect, if it becomes known that the student gained admission with false qualifications, or impersonated for someone else, or had been guilty of examination malpractice, or has otherwise conducted him or herself in a manner that is judged incompatible with the status of the holder of UPSA Diploma.

Diploma Programmes

(i)Public relations management