About UPSA Graduate School
The University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) is a public sector academic and professional institution with over forty (40) years of experience in the field of Business Professional education, with many of its graduates in responsible positions in both the public and private sectors. However, the University is relatively new in the academic discipline with the School of Research and Graduate Studies, being even much younger, established in 2009. Because of the professional nature and market relevance of the UPSA Programmes and the employability as well as salary premiums enjoyed by alumni, the Graduate School is rapidly establishing its presence with over 500 students in seven (7) different Master Degree programmes with many more pending accreditations. With the focus on continual learning and development, the Graduate School is poised to develop an effective and unique system to create a distinctive image in Ghana and beyond. Consequently the Graduate School is in the process of building its systems and laying the foundation for a solid academic and professional profile, quite different from the requirements of a purely professional or academic Institution.
Mission Statement UPSA Graduate School
We strive to provide quality graduate education and research in business and related disciplines to produce creative learning people in pursuit of development. In doing this, we leverage a structured mix of scholarship with Professionalism.
Scholarship to us means the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge and Professionalism means Application of knowledge for development in an ethical way. These two are the key driving forces of SORAG’s existence.
We believe our first responsibility is to the students, staff, alumni and all other stakeholders. In meeting their needs, everything we do exemplify continual learning and development.
The foundation of GS is based on the need to provide higher level business education that is responsive to societal needs and prepares graduates to creatively and critically apply knowledge and skills for economic and social improvement. From our foundation as a place of useful and applied learning, we consider as critical, our responsibility to research, teach and be of benefit to society.
Vision Statement
To be a world-class graduate school of Business and related disciplines inspired by values of Learning, Integrity and Development.
Functions of the UPSA Graduate School
In achieving its mission and objectives, GS relies on three functional areas which include:
- Teaching and Learning
- Research
- Industry Support and engagement with society
Taught Programmes
- Master of Business Administration in Petroleum Accounting & Finance
- Master of Business Administration in Internal Auditing
- Master of Business Administration in Corporate Governance
- Master of Business Administration in Marketing
Research Programmes
- Master of Philosophy in Leadership
- Master of Science in Leadership
Research Areas
Enhancing the Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Community Development by Traditional Leaders in the Oil and Gas Regions of Ghana – Project completed
Forces Promoting or Constraining the Development of Quality Assurance as a Governance Tool for Accountability in Higher Educational Institutions: The Case of Ghana – on going
Computer Laboratory/ICT Facilities Available
The School has a well-equipped computer laboratory which is opened to both students and staff. In addition, the School has developed a data processing centre that uses a student database Software. The Software performs four functions:
Registration of Students
Processing of Examination Results
Transcript Generation
The School has a Postgraduate Library that has a wide range of books for teaching, learning and research activities.
Lecture Halls
There are a number of lecture halls with whiteboards and felt pen facilities for teaching. The halls are well furnished with air-conditioners and public address systems with overhead projectors to facilitate teaching and learning.
The School recognizes the need to provide hygienic food for its staff and students. It is for this reason that a refectory has been opened to regulate food provision at the School under hygienic conditions and at affordable prices. The Senior Members’ Club House and a Snack Bar for Junior Members also serve drinks and snacks.
Supply of Utilities
Water: Water supply to the School is currently above average and reliable. This will be complimented by underground water reservoir and borehole facility with reverse osmosis for purifying.
Power: Power supply is adequate. Besides, the University has in place two heavy duty stand-by generators for use.
Internet Connectivity: The entire Graduate School has internet connectivity.
The University has a clinic equipped with modern health facilities (including ambulance) for emergencies under the care of a Principal Medical Officer and Senior Medical Officer to address the health needs of both staff and students.
Safety/Security at the Graduate School
Equipments including fire extinguishers have been provided at vantage points of the School for safety purposes. The School also has enough security personnel who are at post both Day and Night.