Saturday 25th July 2015 was my graduation and I have tried to summarise my four years in alphabetical order. You may take a cue from it.
Stanley Toddison
Yesterday 25th of July 2015 was my graduation and I have tried to summarise my four years in alphabetical order. You may take a cue from it.
*Accounting – I graduated with a degree in Accounting but barring any divine intervention, I am done with Accounting. It is not difficult, but the passion is no longer there. Amando and Amidu were strong contenders for the ‘A’ slot but no worries because they are both from the Accounting Department.
*Business School – I spent four years there and I have some really good memories; from Amando’s depreciating remarks in B1 to PZ CANDO’s appreciating honour in the Amegashie Auditorium.
*Clifford Nii Ashitey Hammond – I met Cliff on a very busy and interesting WhatsApp page and now we are more than friends. He single-handedly made me a Vandal and has consistently supported my writing career by correcting and editing my write-ups to easy-to-read formats on his smartphone. Even the C3 I currently use is a conditional gift from him. He is the Cliff on which I stand. Danke bro…
*Discovery – It speaks better things than your degree. Some people have jaw-dropping GPAs but they’ve not discovered their purpose.
*Experience – We are better off now than when we first saw Balme and I am sure if we get another chance to do undergrad again, we will come out as better people.
*Failure – I have come to realise that failure is a better teacher than success. When you experience failure then you come to the realisation that we are all mortals. I am not saying go and fail ooo…
*God – I personally owe everything to God and I served Him wholeheartedly. If you meet Him, you may ask Him.
*Hope – Without hope, you will starve to death in your quest to succeed on campus. We constantly told ourselves, Bibiaaa b3y3 fine.
*Injustice – Both lecturers and administrative staffs on Legon Campus are perpetrating some serious forms of injustice and unfairness against students and they need to be checked. They must know that they are there because of us.
*John Justice Cudjoe – If we get people with half of his quest for service in all departments on campus, many things will change. Thanks fellow Vandal.
*KNUST – Hmmmm… If I say what I really want to say, some people who have said “Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord” from A to J will now say, “Crucify Him” so let me just say this, we are Legonites and they are Technicians, or?
*Love – I never found it on campus. Please ask those who said they found it.
*Miracle Centre – This is the Achimota Forest of UG and since my first visit in level 100, I have never looked back.
*Nina Kissei – I met her in my third year and we’ve lived happily as mum and son thereafter. Through her I made some wonderful friends chief among them is Priscilla Teye.
*O’REILLY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL – I can’t leave my alma mater out. Perhaps the wise counsel from my teachers is what has helped me come this far. If I ever get the chance to choose a school again, guess where I will choose!
*Prayer – While on campus, I was sustained by prayer and together with other Men of God, we started the UGBS CLASS 2015 PRAYER FELLOWSHIP. What a wonderful Fellowship it was! I was an associate pastor of the Fellowship and I served under Osofo Andy Skripcha Afropong. The testimonies from that Church are just glorious.
*Queen Elizabeth – My first lover on Campus.
*Raphael Addy – I perched him for two years without ever feeling I was a percher. He taught me one thing, humility.
*Sarbah Hall– Aside Akuafo and Commonwealth Hall where I was officially residing, Sarbah Hall was always my second hall with E33 hosting me the most. *Time – It is a scarce commodity on campus and therefore not many people have it. However, you must find alternative means of creating it.
*University of Ghana – If I get the chance to apply to Uni again, I will still pick only Leg forms. Leg or nothing!
*Vandal – Being a Vandal is the best non-lady phenomenon that happened to me in my final year. Whether you like it or not, I am a proud Vandal. Strongly contending is Volta Hall. Ah well, it’s the VV Alliance.
*Wisdom – I don’t know where wisdom is but I know where it is not; wisdom is not in our lecture rooms.
*eXamination – Those were the tough moments of accountability. But somewhere along the line, we were ready to even sacrifice it for more important things. I thank God I didn’t because as Bishop Dag will say, “Jesus Christ is to us, both the power and the wisdom of God”. Wisdom will tell you to write the exam and not just pray for an ‘A’
*Yakubu Dawud – Dawud Yakubu was an icon beyond par and an inspiration to me during studies. How he did it, only Clifford can tell. Through him, I met Joy Senyo and I foresee a long partnership already. My salutations to you, Monk Dawud.
*Zib (Samuel Fosuhene) – My salvation is to Jesus Christ as my Cost and Management Accounting 1 grade is to Zib.
*** I know we all have different things that meant so much to us on campus, you may comment with your experience
The writer Stanley Toddison is a graduate of the University of Ghana Business School and the CEO of Philadelphia Writes Publication